Delivery & Returns


  • Delivery will be made to the Buyer’s business location. The Buyer is responsible for unloading the goods and adhering to any health and safety requirements. Once delivered, the Buyer assumes all risks for unloading and storage.
  • Delivery is considered complete when the goods arrive at the Buyer’s location. Delivery charges may apply based on the order value and location.
  • Delivery dates are estimates, and delays do not entitle the Buyer to cancel the order or claim damages.
  • If the Buyer refuses delivery, payment is still due immediately, and the Buyer is liable for any storage or related costs. If goods are not collected within 14 days, the Company may dispose of them.

Shortfalls and Non-Delivery

  • The Company’s record of the quantity shipped is final unless the Buyer provides conclusive evidence otherwise.
  • The Company must be notified in writing within seven working days of any non-delivery or shortfall.
  • The Company’s liability for non-delivery or shortfall is limited to re-delivery or issuing a credit note.


  • Returns may be accepted in exceptional circumstances if the goods are undamaged, returned within 21 days with a return reference, and notified within 14 days of delivery.
  • Returns are not accepted if the goods have been altered, marked, or made to the Buyer’s specifications.
  • A 20% restocking fee applies to returned goods not suitable for immediate resale. Additional costs for making goods resaleable will be charged to the Buyer. If the goods cannot be resold, the Buyer remains liable for the full price.

For complete delivery and returns conditions, please check our Terms & Conditions.