ProGARM and GORE-TEX Professional to unlock new levels of waterproof arc flash protection

ProGARM and GORE-TEX Professional to unlock new levels of waterproof arc flash protection

Reaching temperatures of up to 35,000°F – four times hotter than the surface of the sun – and producing a sound louder than a gunshot, an arc flash is a truly terrifying danger that your team could be exposed to every day. Add in the effects of wet weather and other extreme conditions that can impair workers’ ability to perform, and the risk of a life-threatening arc flash incident is heightened.

But now workers are set to benefit from new levels of arc flash protection, thanks to ProGARM’s new partnership with GORE-TEX Professional.

Combining expertise in arc flash protection and materials science

ProGARM and GORE are uniting to disrupt the status quo of arc flash protection to keep wearers warm, dry and safe. The partnership brings together ProGARM’s unrivalled expertise in designing and manufacturing arc flash PPE with GORE-TEX PYRAD® fabrics that deliver the best combination of comfort and durability for arc-flash rated, foul-weather protection. GORE-TEX fabrics and technologies are renowned for their long lasting functionality and high quality even in the most demanding of environments.

Up to 20% lighter garments

Arc rated GORE-TEX PYRAD® fabric stays lightweight and comfortable even when wet. Remaining up to 20% lighter when wet or dry than other arc protection category 3 garments, making them feel less bulky to wear. Wearing the right protective gear in foul weather can make all the difference to job performance.

Fabric that avoids a build-up of heat

GORE-TEX fabrics feature durable waterproof and windproof protection with high breathability. The fabric is engineered so that sweat vapour can escape to avoid a build-up of heat and perspiration, and can also easily withstand high water pressure.

Unlike any other arc flash PPE using the same fabric

As the only UK manufacturer specialising 100% in arc flash and flame resistant PPE, ProGARM continuously invests in industry-leading research and testing to keep on top of developments in new manufacturing and design techniques, better fabrics and safer materials.

Pioneering design and attention to detail mean ProGARM’s arc flash PPE is engineered with unique differences to maximise safety and comfort.

Every single element is arc flash and flame resistant – right down to the stitching threads and increasing safety through layers.

Garments are designed to be as comfortable and practical to wear as possible – regardless of gender. ProGARM has developed one of the widest ranges of female-specific arc flash garments on the market tailoring for different body proportions and for smaller details such as the wider range of motion of female joints – something ProGARM will continue with their new GORE range, which will include jackets, trousers and coveralls.

Adrian Jaoudat Head of Product Development at ProGARM said, “Our mission is to protect lives by providing only the highest quality and safest possible arc flash and flame resistant safety clothing.

Our partnership with GORE means workers will benefit from the ultimate level of comfort and protection, so they can focus on the job at hand, work for longer periods outdoors in tough conditions and return home safely to their families.” 

Jonas Andersson at GORE said, “Everything about our partnership with ProGARM is exciting. We share the same ambition – we innovate to protect lives. And we share the same beliefs about how we do business – a deep sense of responsibility to help solve our customers’ challenges, sustainably and with integrity. We’re the perfect fit and I’m excited to see what we can deliver together to keep workers safe.

Maximising safety and comfort

Maximum comfort with the higher protection from arc flash, so workers remain safe – no matter the challenge, and no matter the weather.

Safely fitting workwear for male and female body shapes. High visibility options. Next day delivery. High levels of customer service customers have come to depend on. These are just some of the benefits companies and workers can expect to see as ProGARM and GORE unlock new levels of protection in their new range of arc flash PPE.

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